The 'Clear' Answer to a Beautiful Smile: Why an all Aesthetic Practice Makes Sense
Presenter: Dr. Patrice Pellerin
Release Date: 6/24/11
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 6/24/28
AGD Subject Code: 370
Reviewed: 2025
Cosmetic treatment options are gaining in popularity and orthodontic patients are more aesthetically conscious than ever before. You are not alone if you feel the push towards all aesthetics but don’t know where to begin. Don't be afraid to niche your practice with aesthetics; Dr. Patrice Pellerin made the transition to an all aesthetic practice more than a dozen years ago. During this time, he has found new opportunities for practice growth and patient satisfaction. Dr. Pellerin will share how tightening your focus on cosmetics can produce practical, financial, and treatment benefits for you patients and your office.
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