Exceptional New Patient Experience
Presenter: Dr. David Kemp
Release Date: 10/16/17
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/16/28
AGD Subject Code: 550
Reviewed: 2025
We have an opportunity to make our new patient experience exceptional. One way to achieve this is by using strategies through marketing to give our patients what they want instead of what we want. This is the foundation and the key to being competitive in highly competitive markets. If we make a decision to differentiate our practices this way we can become more successful than ever. My simple market research has found that my patients have four top desires. They want esthetic treatment. They want the treatment to be fast. They want excellent results and they want to be wowed. This CE webinar will explore strategies how we can incorporate these ideals into our practices and therefore attract more new patients and also to be able to improve our Case Acceptance Rate.
Learning Objectives: • Understand the competitive landscape. • Learn to give patients what they want instead of what we want. • Learn how to differentiate an orthodontic practice so you can be competitive in any highly competitive marketplace. • Learn strategies to ensure you can have exceptional new patient experiences.
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